When the rope is weighted the angle of the device changes locking the rope down though as we mentioned above you still need to keep your brake hand on the rope.
Black diamond atc pilot.
The black diamond atc pilot belay device is an all new enhanced breaking device.
With this new device black diamond introduced a system that provides an added level of security to your belay while allowing for smooth rope pay out.
Adding a higher level of security to your belay the lightweight black diamond atc pilot belay device lends easy rope payout which is less tiring for belayers and more secure for climbers.
The lightweight black diamond atc pilot represents an advance in technology for the world of assisted braking devices.
Black diamond ブラックダイヤモンド から発売されたビレイデバイス atcパイロットを先日購入し 幾度か使用したのでそのレビューを書いていきたいと思います 基本的にヘボクライマーが書いてることなので 上級者の参考にはならないかもしれないので あしからず black diamond atc pilot.
The black diamond atc pilot is a geometry assisted belay device for ropes in the 8 7 to 10 5 mm range.